RealClearPolitics - Why the Budgetary Game Is a Big Taxpayer Scam: "The blue line you see is President Obama's budget. The green line is Rep. Paul Ryan's budget.
Now, Ryan's is of course a couple of trillion dollars lower than Obama's over the next ten years. But what do they both have in common? They both go up. As in spending more, not less. As in, roughly $40 trillion to $45 trillion more. That's a whole lot of taxpayer money, folks.
Now why is this? It's because of something called the 'current services baseline,' which includes population and inflation increases built into the budget. Entitlements have their own formulas.
So when you hear a politician tell you they're cutting spending, they're actually referring only to reducing the growth of spending. Rarely, if ever, do they actually reduce the level of spending."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
47 minutes ago