Belmont Club » A Comment About Childhood’s End: "I have copied 20 July, #49 from Mad Fiddler, about his friend who actually read the Health Care Bill. I think, I truly hope, that this comment is spread far and wide, and so, I am copying it here in the hope that it goes viral, as it should:Notice that Obamacare is in no danger of being repealed in all the current debt limit theatrics? Other things may give a bit -- like tax INCREASES may be relatively small -- but you're being distracted from the monster's soon to be bloody jaws...69. Mad FiddlerThe nation we love is in the thrall of MONSTERS."
One of my close friends had some down time this year. Used it to find and READ the 2,000 page bill commonly called “Obamacare,” and made copious notes. Several things he observed:
(1) The %$&@!!s who published the document deliberately made it UNSEARCHABLE — there are NO internal hyperlinks, nor built-in text search functions.
(2) Definitions and descriptions of complex new regulations and structures such as panels, commissions, and other authorities, are deliberately presented in bits and pieces, with many terms and qualifications defined by obscure references to other legislation, pending bills, or regulations. Links do not exist, only the legal TITLES of the referenced sources. If you want to know what the Obamacare bill has established, you have to go find and read scores of completely separate documents, which must each be located independently.
(3) Of those bureaucracies and commissions that CAN be understood from the text included in the bill, it is clear that the intent is to create numerous new “authorities” which are given un-restricted power to set, then INTERPRET AND APPLY regulations without any oversight or moderation by Congress WHATSOEVER. IN many instances, a commission or SINGLE ADMINISTRATOR is empowered to decide on the treatment or application or request by a citizen, and the administrator’s decision is defined by the Obamacare legislation as FINAL; not subject to review or appeal by any other body or authority whatsoever.
My friend made the comment that with such provisions in Obamacare and in many other bills the Dems have put up for votes and passed, they are simply setting in place a SHADOW GOVERNMENT like that of the European Union. That is, they’re creating a government which completely by-passes the elected one defined by our trampled Constitution — run by faceless bureaucrats appointed without the public knowing who they are, much less having any recourse from their decisions. The encyclopedic stacks of regulations issued monthly by the EU have become legendary. We will have the same avalanche, which allows the Demons to hide ANYTHING.
When you have a constant firehose of regulations on every conceivable aspect of human activity, contradictions are not a problem for the “rulers” — they are put in intentionally, so as to allow the tormenters to be able to cite whichever regulation supports their every conceivable decision. Inconsistency can therefor NEVER be the basis of complaint.
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