Obama on 2006 Debt Limit Increase (to $8T): “We’ve Got to Get our Fiscal House in Order…Not Sure It’s Going to Happen Under Current Leadership” | Verum Serum: "From a March 16, 2006 podcast on then Senator Obama’s congressional web site: (click to play)
Flashback: Obama on Debt Ceiling Increase in 2006We are voting on the budget today. It’s a sad state of affairs, we just voted to increase the debt limit. The U.S. total debt at this point exceeds eight trillion dollars. That’s eight trillion with a “t”. So we’ve got to get our fiscal house in order here in Washington. I’m not sure it’s going to happen under the current leadership in Congress. But we’re going to see what kind of difference we can make. To make sure that veterans programs, student loan programs, low income housing assistance programs, homeland security dollars, are receiving the highest priority , not just tax cuts for the wealthiest .1% of the population.This little lecture, remember, came after the Senator had the political fortitude to vote against the debt limit increase. Six trillion dollars in deficit spending later, after 2-1/2 years as president, and 4 years of majority rule in Congress by his party, Barack Obama is once again trying to portray himself as the adult in the room in dealing with the current debt limit crisis. He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this. Because America has had the opportunity to see what kind of difference he and his party have made, and it has been utterly disastrous."
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