Instapundit » Blog Archive » CHANGE: Cut, Cap, And Balance Gets 2-1 Approval Among Adults in CNN Poll. Not “likely voters,” but…: "CHANGE: Cut, Cap, And Balance Gets 2-1 Approval Among Adults in CNN Poll. Not “likely voters,” but adults. “However, if you expect the CNN story about its own poll to highlight this result, then you obviously haven’t been reading CNN long. . . . In other words, a consensus exists across all political lines that the CCB/BBA approach would be a good idea. When one scrolls down to the crosstab sections of the raw data, the consensus becomes very, very clear. The CCB/BBA approach wins majorities in every single demographic — including self-described liberals. Sixty-three percent of Democrats back the House bill. The least supportive age demographic is 50-64YOs at 62/37; the least supportive regional demographic is the Midwest at 61/39. Even those who express opposition to the Tea Party supports it 53/47. In other words, it’s a clean sweep. Simply put, there is no political demographic at all where the CCB/BBA doesn’t get majority support.”Just don't expect to hear, see or read about it from Commie News Network of course...
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 9:00 pm"
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