Budget Myths | Power Line: "The last myth that I’d like to address is perhaps the most important of all. This is the myth that we only need about $2 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years.Welcome to Mordor on the Potomac. Even Enron would blush. Did I forget to mention that Enron was a supporter of DemoGreenie schemes?
Democrats have said—although no plan has ever been made public—that they could get behind a budget deal that reduces the deficit $4 trillion over the next ten years, half of it comprised of spending cuts. I’m skeptical that even this minimal level of spending cuts would occur. But even if it did, it’s not even close to what is needed to ultimately balance our budget. We are projected to spend $46 trillion over the next ten years. A $2 trillion cut is only about a four percent reduction in spending that is set to increase almost sixty percent."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
25 minutes ago