Ace of Spades HQ: "3) A neighbor has a house for sale. It is unoccupied and rather isolated. I saw someone approach it on Friday, and drove over to ensure he was lawful. It was the owner’s assistant, who lamented that someone had just stolen all the new appliances out of the house — carting off the refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, and microwave. ...Don’t the appliance thieves have homes, and if so, do they have locks on the doors to protect their investments from the likes of themselves?Sadly VDH's observations remind me of the experiences of white farmers in Rhodesia who decided to stay when Mugabe took over. No matter how armed and committed you are, if a large enough proportion of the surrounding population is determined to steal your property (and/or kill you), it's simply an untenable situation in the long run. And now the farmland confiscated by Mugabe from the white farmers is under-farmed or simply lies vacant to the detriment of all concerned.
In more cheery CA news Companies Are Leaving California in Record Numbers. Which isn't really surprising given that California ranks #49 in the nation in business climate. And it turns out that retired San Francisco city employees get more in retirement benefits than the average working private worker in the city earns."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
12 minutes ago