Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Fracking Truth Is Not Relevant?

The Gasland movie: a fracking shame – director pulls video to hide inconvenient truths | Watts Up With That?: "The Gasland director apparently didn’t like this video being used to criticize him (which falls under fair use) and he has pulled it from YouTube claiming a copyright violation. Fortunately, there are other options besides YouTube to show Phelim McAleer’s video:

Gasland director hides full facts from Not Evil Just Wrong on Vimeo.

And as way of verification of the Gasland’s claim of fracking causing methane in groundwater was based on a fabricated claim or not, I went looking for the 1976 report that McAleer cited. I didn’t find it, but I did find another report from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) which was equally damning:
DOI: 10.1306/03B5B46B-16D1-11D7-8645000102C1865D
Distinction Between In-Situ Biogenic Gas and Migrated Thermogenic Gas in Ground Water, Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Dudley D. Rice, Lewis R. Ladwig
AAPG Bulletin
Volume 67 (1983)
Methane-rich gas commonly occurs in ground water in the Denver basin, southern Weld County, Colorado. The gas generally is in solution in the ground water of the aquifer. However, exsolution resulting from reduction to hydrostatic pressure during water production may create free gas, which can accumulate in wells and buildings and pose an explosion and fire hazard.
Typical environmentalist bullsh*t.

And the Gramscian/Stalinist march down the memory hole continues (from the comments):
genomega1 says:
June 4, 2011 at 8:47 pm
If you run across any videos you consider important please download and store. Videos are disappearing at the speed of light off the net especially you tube. 25+ channels have been deleted that I subscribed to for a long time.