Moonbattery: Big Government Decrees Data Collectors in All New Cars: "As you might recall, our rulers have been scheming to tax us for each mile we drive, in order to defray the cost of their never-ending frivolous spending, to save the polar bears from the imaginary global warming menace, to keep their boot on the neck of the struggling economy, and most importantly, to limit our mobility, because mobility is freedom. Having nationalized most of the auto industry will make it all the easier to implement the next step in this plan:All of a sudden I feel less happy of myself... Oh, never mind. There's a nice clump of grass over there to gnaw at...Beginning in June of 2011, all new cars manufactured and sold in the United States will be required to have a mandated black box device installed, which can be used to monitor several different physical and technical data points. …
The installation and use of these black boxes can have infinite possibilities for local, state, and federal governments to monitor and record data for a number of other revenue programs that are currently under consideration. In March, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued a proposal to institute a tax on mileage to help pay for the federal budget deficit. Additionally, local cities and counties can download information from these black boxes, and they can be used to issue driving citations after the fact in the case of speeding or not wearing a seat belt."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
21 minutes ago