Sunday, June 12, 2011

Debt For Du'Ommies

Guest Post: It's The Debt, Dummy | zero hedge: "It should be clear to anyone that we have a bit of a debt problem. The government solutions jammed down our throats since 2008 have added $7 trillion of debt to the national balance sheet. The only thing keeping this house of cards from collapsing immediately has been the extremely low interest rates put in place by the Federal Reserve. The end of QE2 potentially could result in interest rates rising. If interest rates were to rise 2%, this country’s economic system would implode. Time is not on our side. The debt cannot be repaid. The debt cannot be serviced. The debt has destroyed this country. Years from now when historians ponder what caused the great American Empire to collapse, the answer on the exam will be:

This one is vewwy, vewwy definitely a RTWT. I will start posting Wiener pics unless you go read it immediately. Oh. And actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. At least as far as your personal finances.

Good God.