Friday, June 10, 2011

COTD: Ya Sure, You Go Girl

Explosive e-mail revelation: Palin, staff were excited when McCain named her to the ticket « Hot Air: "The nation needs to be spending $ on fixing what we have – Minnesota needs “bridge money” today more than we need a few Alaskans to perpetuate the nonsensicle notion that our Gravina earmark is more important than fixing aged infrastructure.
We would gain so much if we get that message out there – that the nation can pull, and work, together and make wise decisions on federal priorities… we should see that earmark redirected to Minnesota’s tragedy be the Gravina bridge isn’t going to happen on our watch anyway.
OMG!!!!111!!!!! Palin called for the bridge to nowhere money to be redirected to fix the bridge collapse in Minn.

unseen on June 10, 2011 at 10:17 PM"