Power Line - Telling the Truth About Medicare: "The most critical feature of any Ponzi scheme is that the early entrants must do well. Why did people crave the privilege of entrusting their money to Bernie Madoff? Because those who did so in the beginning got wonderful returns, through good times and bad.
Likewise with Medicare: those who are now enrolled in the program are consuming medical services at a rate that dwarfs the modest payments they made over their working lives. They are making out like bandits, just like Madoff's early investors. And, exactly like Madoff's early marks, the vast surplus they are reaping has nothing to do with any 'investment' they made. Rather, it represents the government's deliberate perpetration of a fraud--in this case, a fraud that is intended to make Medicare politically sacrosanct so that it will survive, for now, despite the fiscal train wreck that we all know is coming. The liberals' plan is that when Medicare does crash, the market for medical services will be so distorted and so government-driven that it will be too late for any alternative except socialized medicine. We see that already in Obamacare."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
9 minutes ago