The Captain's Journal » So What Were The Assets Available For Benghazi?: "Here’s a note to the DoD and State Department. Listen very carefully. Wolfowitz says “it would appear.” That’s not even nearly good enough. We won’t accept appearances, or anonymous sources. There is a paper trail of deployments, locations, arming orders, force sizes, and so on and so forth. There is yet another paper trail of orders, requests, directives and other communications that fateful night. We won’t stop until it is all public and assessed by all of us. We will get it, eventually. We will all see it. We will know who did what, who said what, what assets were where, who lied, who equivocated, and who came clean. We will name names. The players who have any integrity left should come clean now and spill everything. It will go better for everyone in the long run. But it won’t change the facts. And the facts will be found out. That’s our promise."