The Benghazi Crisis: A Practical Solution - By Stanley Kurtz - The Corner - National Review Online: "No doubt some folks will squawk here about the First Amendment, but have you ever actually read it? The First Amendment clearly states, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press….” There’s nothing in there about an executive order. Legal sticklers might point out that an order to disband Fox News goes well beyond the traditional purview of the president’s executive powers. That may be true, but so do Obama’s orders gutting the work requirement of the Welfare Reform Act and setting up de facto amnesty for those who were brought to this country illegally as children. Executive orders that run well beyond the traditional powers of the presidency are obviously going to play a central role in a second Obama term, should he win one. So why wait?"As Jonah Goldberg points out in his recent "Tyranny of Cliches", liberals will tell you they hold the high ground because they just want to find what works. For them. Not for you.
And as he has (unintentionally) announced to Medvedev, Obama will have even more flexibility in his second term...