Articles: Old Interview Sheds New Light on Obama's Debate Flop: "In the interview with Richardson, the audience sees no sign at all of the raging Obama and, for that matter, very little sign of the writer Obama. Obama told Richardson he was "a very good writer" -- he is not -- but he offered this tidbit in an academic context. He spoke not a word about the writer's craft and volunteered no information about Dreams. When Richardson offered that the book was "beautifully written." Obama stumbled around to deflect the conversation:
Yeah. Well, you know, I think that, you know, as I wrote about in the book, 'Dreams From My Father,' which is really sort of an exploration of my father and my mother and what legacy they left me, I think a lot of my early memories are sort of an almost idyllic sort of early childhood in Hawaii where there weren't many things to worry about, and I think everybody's childhood, to some degree, is like that.
Sentences like this clunker tell us why the genius Obama lost the last debate and why he will lose the next one.
This is definitely a RTWT.