"The Lid": CBS's Lara Logan: Obama Is Lying to America: "Last week 60 Minutes Correspondent Lara Logan delivered a keynote address at the Better Government Association annual luncheon, which the Chicago Sun Times called “a provocative speech” to some 1,100 movers in government, politics, media, and the legal and corporate arenas.
The speech was more than provocative it was a warning to anyone who wishes to hear. She explained that the Taliban, al Qaeda and its proxies haven’t gone away and are in fact re-energized and coming back in force. Logan also informed the crowd that a “lie” is being propagated by the American government. Her ominous and frightening message was gleaned from years of covering our wars in the Middle East. She arrived in Chicago on the heels of her Sept. 30 report, “The Longest War.” It examined the Afghanistan conflict and exposed the perils that still confront America, 11 years after 9/11.
Eleven years later, “they” still hate us, now more than ever, Logan told the crowd. The Taliban and al-Qaida have not been vanquished, she added. They’re coming back."
Well, people have a tendency to wake up when they've been through what she has. But by then it's often too late. Thank God she's still alive to talk about it...