Benghazi Cover-up: Hillary not going to go under the bus quietly [Darleen Click] | protein wisdom: "Today the confusion only worsened yet again when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters that her agency was not the source of misinformation concerning the attacks, charging instead that the White House was the source of the false mantra that the murders were spurred by an anti-Muslim film made in the United States.
Clinton told reporters that when Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, made her rounds on every Sunday morning news show to claim the film motivated the attacks, the information had been fed to her by the White House and not the intelligence community in the State Department or the CIA.
Not only does Clinton’s statement contradict early White House accounts but directly contradicts statements made by Vice President Biden during the debate."
Could it actually be that neither O Duce or Shrillary have packed parachutes for their current dives from Libyan space?
And Libya really IS Obama's "Mission Accomplished" meltdown? And Shrillary's too?
Does Mitt have even better ties to Al-Qaeda than
O Duce does? Of course, the simpler explanation is that O Duce really is too dim to understand that blow-back is a two-way street...