Ace of Spades HQ: "But then there was the mob that everyone had to go through to get to and from the area for the support rally. I wish I had video taped trying to leave. I had no sign, and was not an active participant - but I experienced first-hand the intimidation and hostility of either union mercenaries, or even worse, of the good people who have been getting whipped into an exhausted and desparate state by the union sponsored liberal rhetoric and atmosphere.
They stood blocking the way, leaving only a narrow two-person-wide space for thousands to funnel through. It was scary, claustrophic, and made me feel panicked. They glared, yelled, and one guy pushed me so hard I flew two feet forward. I thought my husband was going to lose it, so we stopped and just stood to the side where we were. I watched a lot of people from the rally pass in front of me experiencing the same thing. I saw middle class, working class people who looked liked my sister, my mother, my son or daughter, my neighbors... being taunted and intimidated by a mob hoping to provoke mayhem or violence. I looked for police help to secure a path or help with our exit, but I only saw them standing in isolated clusters amongst themselves, the nearest over 50 feet away from the crowd."