Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Big Splatter

Gonzalo Lira: “We Owe How Much?”: Waiting for The Big Splatter: "The American people collectively blew their country. So now, everyone’s pretending that everything’s fine, while they wait for the shit to hit the fan. 

Everybody with any sense knows that The Big Splatter is on its way—everyone knows there’s nothing that can stop it. So when bits of bad news crop up—like the revised deficit numbers—Americans are placid as Hindu cows. 

And why not? These deficit numbers are nothing! Americans all know that it’s going to get much, much worse. They all know that there’s no sense worrying about the little milestones on the road to hell. 

They all know that they’re waiting for The Big Splatter. "
I think Lira is mostly spot on in his writings. However, in this case he's wrong: Most folks I know have no clue how bad things are and have fully inhaled the Kool Aid. They each will be just one more lemming in the rioting and starvation to come. They will have no idea what hit them.