Ace of Spades HQ: "If you listen to artists, writers, academics and journalists, you would think that thousands of them operate in a radical underground. They say the right things. They 'speak truth to power', 'transgress boundaries', and all the rest of it. But you will have noticed that they are careful only to challenge religions that won't hurt them (Christianity) and governments that won't arrest them (democracies).
And here is where the Great Revolution begins:"
Yes, that's right, the revolution starts here - in some Third World sweatshop!
But, alas, not in the way that Leftists have traditionally fantasized about: the bloody uprising, the cowed elite, the self-appointed and strangely middle-class functionaries of the proletarian dictatorship coldly dispensing "justice."
The workers are busy. They have orders to fill, and there won't be a "revolution" unless the young Western leftists get their silly masks to give them a sense of fake camaraderie and being part of the night.
Today most 'radicals' on the left are merely engaged in dissident role-playing along with a bit of revolutionary cosplay and puppetry.