2010 Video: Obama Admits Millions 'Might Have to Change Their Coverage': "OBAMA: Since you asked me a question, let me respond. The 8 to 9 million people you refer to that might have to change their coverage -- keep in mind out of the 300 million Americans that we are talking about -- would be folks who the CBO, the Congressional Budget Office, estimates would find the deal in the exchange better -- would be a better deal. So, yes, they would change coverage because they got more choice and competition.
So even though the president knew that eight to nine million people "might have to change their coverage" way back in February of 2010, afterwards, for three-plus years -- especially while running for reelection -- Obama continued to reassure the American people that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period. End of story."
Of course he either didn't admit all of it or didn't know all of it also even then.