Flashback - Ace circa Oct 2004: "Around 1850, Bastiat wrote "The Law." One of his salient points is that when the law is allowed to be used as a means of plunder, there are only three possible end states: 1. The few use the law to plunder from the many; 2. The many use the law to plunder from the few; and 3. Everyone uses the law to plunder from everyone else. I think it's fair to say that we have arrived at all three end states simultaneously, fueled solely by the Fed's ability to print money. When that ends, things are going to get really interesting. Probably after 2017, because the Fed will print through the 2016 elections to hide the damage as much as possible and get Hillary elected.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 02, 2013 11:37 AM (HubSo)"