Glenn Beck Tells the Fascinating History of World War II Like You’ve Never Heard It Before | "“[Knudsen's] family actually told him, ‘Bill, how can you do this? FDR has demonized you. You can’t go to work for that guy – he doesn’t stand for anything you stand for,’” Beck said.
But Knudsen went to Washington and said he was there to serve the country, and he did it for a dollar a year.
“Under Big Bill’s guidance that the American industry reached a production capability that surprised even the president,” Beck said. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, our economy had steadily improved, unemployment had sharply fallen, and we had far more in our arsenal.
“Ultimately, we out-produced the Axis Powers in numbers previously thought impossible, and we surpassed them in quality…” Beck said. “This was only possible at the very last hour because government got out of private life and industry and deferred to the individual.”"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
34 minutes ago