Al Qaeda Is Now Running at Americans: "The Abu Ghraib prison break in Baghdad must have involved collusion by the 120 policemen that were supposed to man checkpoints in the area, but disappeared before the shooting began. Local media has also confirmed that 200 Sunni prisoners, some of them from al Qaeda, had been transferred to Abu Ghraib prison just days before the prison escape. These prisoners were reported to have been given access to cell phonescell phones, which they appear to have used to coordinate the attack and break-out.And it isn't Al Qaida.
The Obama Administration’s closing of 19 embassies across the Middle East is rumored to be due to internet “chatter” that escaped prisoners are planning to go on al Qaeda suicide missions against United States interests across the Middle East. President Obama’s 2012 election campaign trumpeted that death of Usama bin Laden had “decimated al Qaeda" and they were “on the run.” It seems to me, that al Qaeda’s military strength is flourishing and they are now running at Americans."
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