DOJ Shoots Itself in the Foot Identifying Google in Data Request Case - HotHardware: "“[Redacted] has a First Amendment right to communicate transparently with its users and the public regarding its receipt of the NSL," the court filing reads. "In light of broadly available misinformation about [redacted] receipt of and compliance with national security process and the concerns and questions of its users… [redacted] seeks to advance the public debate by taking reasonable, limited steps to increase transparency regarding its practices." There are a bunch of references to the unnamed company throughout the document, though on page 8, the DoJ missed a reference to Google where it reads, "the public's already healthy interest in Google's receipt of, and response to, national security legal process skyrocketed." The Wall Street Journal attempted to elicit comments from all involved, and not surprisingly, nobody is willing to speak about the matter."Geniuses I tell ya'.
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
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