Instapundit » Blog Archive » IT’S COME TO THIS: Feds Threaten To Arrest Lavabit Founder For Shutting Down His Service. “It soun…: "IT’S COME TO THIS: Feds Threaten To Arrest Lavabit Founder For Shutting Down His Service. “It sounds like the feds were asking for a full on backdoor on the system, not unlike some previous reports of ISPs who have received surprise visits from the NSA.” And apparently you have a duty to stay in business to help them spy or something. Weak threat, but I’m not terribly surprised."
Here's the comment that inspired my title:
This is right out of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Directive 10-289:
Point Two. All industrial, commercial, manufacturing and business establishments of any nature whatsoever shall henceforth remain in operation, and the owners of such establishments shall not quit nor leave nor retire, nor close, sell or transfer their business, under penalty of the nationalization of their establishment and of any and all of their property.