Buck Sexton Traces Parallels Between Fall of the Roman Empire, Rise of the Ottoman Empire and What’s Happening Today | TheBlaze.com: "He began by reminding that the Roman Empire in the 6th century was actually Christian, and was divided between the Western and Eastern Roman Empire.
“One of the questions, of course, is why was it breaking up and also, how was it eroding from within?” Sexton asked. “Because we know that from the [Arabian Peninsula], Muhammed and then the first caliphs…were able to take this entire Christian area in a very short period of time. Why was that? It was because it had eroded from the inside.”
“The Romans had an overextended military, they had debased their currency to pay off their debts, they had a bureaucracy that essentially was living as a parasite on the entirety of the Roman people…They also had a loss of control over their borders,” Sexton said.
“That sounds completely foreign,” host Glenn Beck responded sarcastically."
I sure am glad we have nothing in common with that scenario!