Bill Clinton has the real ‘rape’ problem: "Bill Clinton: It was only when money came out, when the tabloid went down there offering people money to say that they had been involved with me, that she changed her story. There’s a recession on.Of course Akin is a doofus and should step aside. But the double standards about rape are stunning...
A master politician, even in this moment of deepest political peril, candidate Clinton remembered to remind the American people “there is a recession on.” For the record, Clinton would admit the affair with Flowers under oath but lie about the details. Perjury, rape, no big deal!
While Todd Akin is stewing in the woodshed, Bill Clinton is preparing to speak at the Democratic National Convention, and the women most offended by Akin’s dumb remarks will be queuing up to cheer Clinton on. Yes, it is a mental disorder."
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