Welcome to your new overlords.Instapundit » Blog Archive » ANNALS OF GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE: Prostate Cancer Drug Not Funded. There are two tiers of men wi…: "A pill with few side effects, Zytiga targets an enzyme needed to make a hormone that feeds the cancer and studies have shown it to slow its progression, leaving men living months or even years longer and without as much pain.(1) They’re men, and nobody cares as much if men die. (2) On average, they’re past their earning years and if they die earlier it helps the pension problem. And men who live too long are just a burden on society anyway.
It was quickly approved in the United States and by Health Canada.
But Ontario rejected the application, a decision that’s left heroic patients such as Percy Bedard of Zurich calling on Ontarians to ask their government why it has abandoned so many men to suffer and die before they should.
Expect this sort of thing here, soon, under ObamaCare. Probably with rules designed to discourage doctors from telling patients about treatments the government would rather not pay for."
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