California Dreaming, Chapter 2 | Power Line: "One of the great glories of California in the mid-20th century was the fact that growth liberals, like Jerry Brown’s dad, Gov. Pat Brown, built stuff. Lots of stuff. Especially highways, water projects, and public universities. Stuff middle class people could use, unlike Jerry’s stupid high speed rail project and expensive boutique energy projects. Anyone with a little gumption and halfway decent grades could attend a relatively decent public state college almost for free. Not any more: under the rule of liberalism, tuition at our formerly low cost university system has soared, and now you can’t even get in. Several state universities have stopped admitting in-state residents to graduate programs in favor of out-of-state and international students for the most craven of reasons—they pay even higher tuition rates, and the university system wants to fill is classrooms with out of state students to balance their bloated budgets. Another epic failure of liberalism—a system meant to favor in-state California citizens now discriminates against them."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
35 minutes ago