Instapundit » Blog Archive » PROF. JACOBSON: SPLC’s Hatewatch Gives Cover To Hate. UPDATE: The Hill: Shooting spurs heated …: "PROF. JACOBSON: SPLC’s Hatewatch Gives Cover To Hate.Who's the shameless-i-est O them all?
UPDATE: The Hill: Shooting spurs heated debate on gay rights, ‘hate group’ label.
Related: DC Shooter Carried Chick-fil-A Bag With Him to FRC HQ – Was Volunteer at LGBT Center.
Now if he’d been a Tea Partier, it would be news. Or even if Brian Ross could have found a Tea Partier with the same name on the Internet . . . .
ANOTHER UPDATE: John Hinderaker: Thoughts on the Family Research Council Shooting. “Liberals should take a deep breath and re-think how they talk about public policy issues. If they are looking for haters, it would seem that the mirror is a good place to start.”
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:54 pm"
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