A salute to Clint Eastwood | Power Line:Heh.
Ron Kearns · Top Commenter · Colorado Springs, Colorado
Things are getting interesting:
1) The Demos go all gansta on Dirty Harry (do they really feel that lucky?)
2) Romney goes to the flooded areas and Obama invokes lead-from-behind and quickly follows.
3) By making the GOP convention about American excellence, the Demos will be forced to counter with... with... with... ah, well, whatever DWS comes up with will be a howler.
4) We learned 1000% more about Mitt in one night than the media was able to scrape up on Obama in 4 years. They will counter with what? His Chicago-style knee-capping of political opponents? His affection for his "typical white" grandmother? I'm sure DWS will come up with something sweet.
5) One more, the "horrifying" Todd Akin has moved from 9 points behind to 1 point behind. So much for that shiny object.
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