Will German Politicians Wreck Europe To Save Their Own Skins? | Via Meadia: "German politicians from Chancellor Merkel down love to talk about their dedication to Europe and their desire to see the current crisis resolved through the strengthening of European institutions. If this is sincerely their belief and not a shallow pose, they can begin by taking public responsibility for their own very considerable part in creating the European crisis, explain to German voters that Germans are going to have to pony up to save their banking system from the consequences of bad regulation and stupid loans, and come up with a much more just and reasonable approach to the European crisis than anything they have yet proposed. That solution will certainly include many of the reforms Germany advocates today, but it will also include measures that share the sacrifices far more equally and fairly than anything the Germans have yet been willing to conceive.I'd chuckle but we all know where this goes if the chuckle is misplaced...
If Germany’s leaders don’t do this, they stand exposed as spineless opportunists who are genuinely ready to wreck Europe to preserve their miserable political careers. This is Kaiser Wilhelm class political irresponsibility and incompetence, if not quite up to later German accomplishments."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
25 minutes ago