Instapundit » Blog Archive » MORE OF THIS ADMINISTRATION’S LOUSY ENERGY POLICY: North Dakota Stuck Using More-Costly Railroads t…: "MORE OF THIS ADMINISTRATION’S LOUSY ENERGY POLICY: North Dakota Stuck Using More-Costly Railroads to Move Oil. “Right now, about 25% of North Dakota’s oil travels by rail. According to the CBS News report that ‘will increase exponentially with increased oil production and the shortage of pipelines.’”Feeling hosed yet? You're insensate if you aren't.
UPDATE: Reader Jack Lillywhite emails:And who has a big stake in Burlington Northern? A guy in Omaha named Buffett.They win, we lose. As usual.
And by having TransCanada tie its Keystone XI to the border crossing approval you can’t get a segmented line from Montana to Port Arthur, TX that the Bakken field could tie into. That is the concept. A collector system named the BakkenLink runs down to Montana from ND and ties into Keystone XI (known as MarketLink). A twofer you might say.
So, in a way it is a Win-Win for Obama – He wins his Green base and his Crony Capitalism base. Pretty clever, eh?
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:00 am"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
46 minutes ago