Bloomberg’s Law - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online: "One of the most disturbing features of the US justice system is its ever more grotesque loss of proportion, at the federal level and in far too many states and municipalities. On his radio show this week, Derb discusses the case of Meredith Graves, the Tennessee nurse who, upon visiting the 9/11 memorial in New York and seeing the signs forbidding firearms, asked the staff if she could check her pistol (lawful and licensed in her home state). She was handcuffed, arrested, and now faces three and a half years in jail for firearms possession – for the crime of being unaware that the Second Amendment does not apply in New York City."RTWT, it's short. And afterwards you'll understand why you'll never be voting for Bloomberg for president should he ever run.
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
48 minutes ago