Calling Your Opposition Liars Does not Change the Facts about Fannie and Freddie « The Enterprise Blog: "What kind of organization is the Huffington Post? We’re not regular readers, but it’s astonishing that the Huffington Post would publish a libelous attack such as David Fiderer’s December 29 article without at least checking to determine whether there is any truth in his statement that we “lied” in our September 2008 Financial Services Outlook entitled “The Last Trillion Dollar Commitment: The Destruction of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.” As participants in academic and scholarly work, we are used to challenges to data—that’s how the academic world operates—but to be called liars, which implies bad motives rather than simple error, is a disgraceful breach of all acceptable standards. It is a bad mark on the Huffington Post as well as the author of the article."As linked to here, this piece of excrement is still in the Google cache. Any bets on whether Google soon sends it down the memory hole as being inconvenient?