Power Line - Loughner Friend "Explains Grudge Against Giffords": "Since hearing of the rampage, Tierney has been trying to figure out why Loughner did what he allegedly did. 'More chaos, maybe,' he says. 'I think the reason he did it was mainly to just promote chaos. He wanted the media to freak out about this whole thing. He wanted exactly what's happening. He wants all of that.' Tierney thinks that Loughner's mindset was like the Joker in the most recent Batman movie: 'He f***s things up to f*** s*** up, there's no rhyme or reason, he wants to watch the world burn."
I think it's fair to say that Loughner was not exactly a Tea Partier.
UPDATE: County records show that Loughner was registered as an independent voter but did not vote in the 2010 election. Obviously he was too riled up by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement to make it to the polls.
Let's face it -- this guy is insane. End of story.