American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces: Another Memo from Leni Riefenstahl: "From: Leni RiefenstahlAnd that applause prompt on the Jumbotron at the memorial service means you are forever and truly an a**hat.
To: Barack Obama und Frau Obama
Subject: Politische Kundgebung getarnt als eine Gedenkfeier (Political rally masquerading as a memorial service)
It's been two years since I last wrote. Then it was about the Invesco Field Rally in Denver. Now it's about that rally in Tucson. If you don't mind a few harsh words from someone seasoned in such things, no matter that you tried hard, the tragic incident in Tucson was no Reichstag Fire, and while you made as much of it as you could, you need to hone your shtick a bit better in future. I keep writing to you out of admiration for your political inclinations and skills, of course."
How Close Were We to Blackouts Yesterday?
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