Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still Stux - Stuxnet Worm Still Out of Control at Iran's Nuclear Sites, Experts Say: "“The Iranians don’t have the depth of knowledge to handle the worm or understand its complexity,” he said, raising the possibility that they may never succeed in eliminating it.

“Here is their problem. They should throw out every personal computer involved with the nuclear program and start over, but they can’t do that. Moreover, they are completely dependent on outside companies for the construction and maintenance of their nuclear facilities. They should throw out their computers as well. But they can’t,“ he explained. “They will just continually re-infect themselves.”"
For the few of you nerds out there, this is what you'll take the rest of the night reading in rapt fascination. It's basically a reverse engineered view of what a "nation state" worm actually looks like.

The popular culture says that nerds aren't important and should be laughed at. And it's OK if we suck at science and math.

The popular culture would be the epitome of ignorance.