Friday, December 24, 2010

Hitler's "Christmas" Party

You have been brainwashed to believe that Hitler was a "right wing" Christian. Frankly, you have been brainwashed to a point almost beyond belief:

Hitler's Christmas party: Rare photographs capture leading Nazis celebrating in 1941 | Mail Online: "The pictures from December 18, which have only just come to light, show Hitler and his generals at a party for SS officer cadets in Munich.

But the Nazi Christmas was far from traditional.

Hitler believed religion had no place in his 1,000-year Reich, so he replaced the Christian figure of Saint Nicholas with the Norse god Odin and urged Germans to celebrate the season as a holiday of the ‘winter solstice’, rather than Christmas.

Out of sight at the top of the tree behind Hitler was a swastika instead of an angel, and many of the baubles carried runic symbols and iron cross motifs. The remarkable pictures were captured by Hugo Jaeger, one of the Fuhrer’s personal photographers."
Here's what's really been going on:

After watching this, click through to YouTube and follow the links over right through the multi-part series.There are the wolves, the sheep and the sheepdogs have all gone on strike. The ending is predictable.

You know that treaty with Putin that O Duce just rammed through in total contempt of the 20th Amendment? (Even Wikipedia has a reasonable understanding of the 20th Amendment.)

Did I forget to mention that Putin was (is) a KGB Colonel?