Monday, December 20, 2010

Even See B.S. Gets It

And nothing predicts a reality freight train better than see B.S. getting it. Because that means it's far, far too late to get off the tracks.

60 Minutes: Fiscal day of reckoning is here | The Right Scoop: "I know this problem is bigger than Obama, but geez, how can the MSM do fabulous reports like this and not see that the whole trillion dollar stimulus was just a load of crap. It did nothing more than grow our debt, and all the money that was given to state and local governments has now run out. Just like GM, after taking tax payer money several times and finally having to go bankrupt to fix their core problems, state and local governments will have to do the same. It’s ridiculous that they just continue to let Obama and crew lie about this when the facts are staring them right in the face!"