Moonbattery: They're Socialists, All Right: "A favorite theme in horror/sci-fi movies is the demon or alien that can take over people's bodies. Once the villain has moved to a new host, the body it inhabited previously can be discarded. This is why the old Stalinist vehicle known as the Communist Party USA won't be needed for much longer. The fiend inhabiting it will soon finish its transition to a new host — the Democrat Party:See you at the Tom Wood's talk tomorrow for the antidote. 7pm 12/9 at the CSU (Fort Collins) Lory Student Center East Ballroom...In [a Rasmussen] survey of 1,000 adults, nearly half of all Democrats, 42 percent, indicated that they believe the government should 'manage the economy completely.'
As for Americans overall,In total, according to the poll, just 27 percent of Americans believe government should manage the economy."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
13 minutes ago