A note on the unemployment extension « Hot Air: "There seems to be some continuing confusion over exactly what form the unemployment extension takes in the Obama-GOP tax deal. On every occasion where I have discussed this, people have understood it to mean that unemployment benefits are being extended past the 99-week limit, allowing people to collect another 13 months of unemployment checks. That’s not actually the case, which I have stated in two earlier posts this week but not as a standalone point.Interesting that the Dems would allow unemployment payments to remain capped at 99 weeks. They must think their (unemployed) base must be ready to riot like the Euros...
For instance, a person who has received the standard 26 weeks of unemployment from the state and another 20 weeks through the EUC will continue to be eligible for payments, up to another 53 weeks in half of the states. Those who have already received 99 weeks, or whatever the maximum is for their state, will still be ineligible for any other unemployment compensation. The caps remain in place, while the program continues for those who more recently lost their jobs or will lose their jobs in the near future."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
21 minutes ago