Would You Believe The Administration Got Phone Records of The House Of Representatives? « The Greenroom: "DN: So when they went after the AP reporters, right? Went after all of their phone records, they went after the phone records, including right up here in the House Gallery, right up from where I’m sitting right now. So you have a real separation of powers issue that did this really rise to the level that you would have to get phone records that would, that would most likely include members of Congress, because as you know…Well, I know they'll find some way to hide this back under the carpet. But I've got to believe it will be at least somewhat entertaining to watch. Well, if you're not a Delton that is...
HH: Wow.
DN: …members of Congress talk to the press all the time.
HH: I did not know that, and that is a stunner.
DN: Now that is a separation of powers issue here, Hugh."
UPDATE: “There was a little confusion between him and the host during the conversation: He did not mean to refer to phone records of the cloakroom itself, but of the Capitol,” said Nunes spokesman Jack Langer.
DOJ did seize call logs for a phone in the Capitol used by AP reporters, but that phone is in the press gallery, not the cloakroom.
OK. Maybe not quite as bad as originally feared -- but still ugly. And this whole thing about Holder's assertion that this was the worst national security leak EVAH and that's why they had to go after the AP this hard does not square at all with O Duce not knowing anything about it.
Holder (or his deputy?) would be going in front of a FISA judge carrying the full gravitas of the President to get this done. So either Holder needs to be fired for a power grab or O Duce is flat out lying with his Sargeant Schultz routine. I'll take the latter but the former still isn't pretty.