Instapundit » Blog Archive » MICKEY KAUS: What About Clinton’s IRS? “I always thought the number of Bill Clinton enemies audite…: "MICKEY KAUS: What About Clinton’s IRS? “I always thought the number of Bill Clinton enemies audited by his Internal Revenue Service was a bit high to be coincidental. When Clinton accuser Paula Jones was audited in 1997, Clinton’s press secretary Mike McCurry denied White House involvement . . . . We now know, of course, that you don’t need direct White House involvement to politicize the IRS, at least for Democrats. The underlings know what to do! The idea that they are apolitical professionals was always a myth. It’s even more of a myth now, in the era of Daily Kos and Greg Sargent.”Du'O.
Plus: “Big government will always mean giving bureaucrats some control, and these bureaucrats will always tend to be Democrats. If they aren’t restrained by the apolitical civil service ethic, then they will always tend to harrass conservatives and Republicans.”
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 7:59 am"
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