Ace of Spades HQ: "Shouting to an angry, near-riotous crowd "Let's go kill the mayor!" could get you prosecuted, because that would be called an incitement which has a clear and present danger of actually being followed through on.Yes, you absolutely need to go RTWT.
But less than that? Anything less than a direct incitement to perform a specific illegal action which has a present likelihood of being executed?
We are free in such speech. As Holmes argued almost a hundred years ago, we must be pretty free in our speech, or else we'll always be looking over our shoulders and censoring ourselves for fear of the Government Prosecutors putting us in jail for exercising our inalienable rights as Americans.
This was the law of the land for nearly a hundred years.
Apparently it is no longer US law in the Eastern district of Tennessee."
Election Realities, Progress Ahead
2 hours ago