The Volokh Conspiracy » Colorado Sheriffs file Second Amendment lawsuit against anti-gun bills: Colorado’s recently passed HB 1229, its so-called universal background check law, is a low misdemeanor on the first violation, but then comes the real kicker. A first conviction also carries with it a prohibition on all firearm possession for 2 years. Thus, while you will only be assessed a fine on a first conviction, the court can and will also order that all of your guns be immediately confiscated. Imagine a law that established a rigid speech code that upon violation subjected one to a gag order prohibiting them from making any public statements such as writing a letter to the editor, commenting on a blog, or writing a blog post for 2 years after a first conviction for saying something that liberals choose to call hate speech. That would be a law making it easy for liberals to shut down their critics, and HB 1229 is a law meant to make it easy for them to confiscate your guns.Dr. Ferris you ask? That would be explained in the previous comment.
Governor Hickenlooper responded to criticism when he signed this into law by saying he was not trying to take away anyone’s right of self defense and he wasn’t trying to take anyone's guns away. It there were even a kernel of truth in that statement he would have vetoed HB 1229.
They made is very easy to violate this law. Handing your gun to your buddy at a shooting range to let him try it is a violation by both of you unless you first go to a gun store and pay for two background checks. While there is a shooting range exception in the law, the very next sentence has a definition of "shooting range" that no shooting range in Colorado meets.
This law was passed by liberal Democrats with malice aforethought.
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2 hours ago