Charisma: a how-to: "Most people are half-aware that they are almost constantly surrounded by a net of lies. The big lies of politics and religion; the medium-sized lies of advertising and marketing; and all the little lies of the workplace and normal social interaction. Many people constantly pretend, even to themselves, to believe things that in other and deeper parts of their minds they know aren’t true – but they dare not confront those truths because they think the social and personal costs of doing so would be higher than they can bear.RTWT.
The charismatic who is honest and fearless brings a gift. By thinking unthinkables and saying unsayables and getting away with it – not being struck dead by lighting or instantly lynched – he offers his audience, too, a psychological release from the relentless tension of everyday lies. He gives them at least temporary permission to be more honest in their own thoughts.
This is extremely powerful. So much so that many people will follow a charismatic to his goal just for this. Most people who hear the old saw “Honesty is the best policy” doen’t realize that it dates from a time when the word “policy” had slightly different connotations than it does today; what the proverb meant then might be better translated as “Honesty is the most effective strategem.” Now you know why."
Election Realities, Progress Ahead
2 hours ago