Guest Post: The Supreme Court And Natural Law | ZeroHedge: "In lieu of the upholding of the Affordable Care Act, it’s now worth asking what the U.S. government can’t do to Americans. As of right now, a sitting president can call for the indefinite detainment and execution of both citizens and non citizens alike with no due process. The band of thieves known as Congress can force the public to purchase a good or service and order its goons to read private communications without prior consent or knowledge. The dollar is constantly inflated to the benefit of major financial institutions, thus destroying the purchasing power of the money Americans are forced into using. The American people are no longer afforded their rights to their property, privacy, or own lives. Those discretions are currently in the hands of the various marionettes of Washington. Whether it is occupied by outright fascists or closet socialists, the state has no regard for liberty in its incremental quest for omnipotence.
As Ludwig von Mises spent his life expounding:A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society. Socialism is not an alternative to capitalism; it is an alternative to any system under which men can live as human beings.In the world of centralized or constitutional government, rules are always made to be broken. The irony in today’s Supreme Court decision is that it was never given the authority to strike down federal laws under the Constitution. The power of “judicial review” was established by precedent in Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803) and was not explicitly granted in the language of the Constitution."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
37 minutes ago