Belmont Club » Just Saying: "There are certain circles where no one is surprised at venality. They are only shocked by the lack of it. In rough towns honesty looks as out of place as duck on a bicycle. When you fit in nobody notices. For example, on a day when job numbers were reported to by abysmally low, the Daily Caller reported that the President was “raising $5 million at fundraisers in Chicago this Friday – including one co-hosted by Marilyn Katz.”So who is Marilyn Katz? According to the New York Times, she’s the person who gave Obama “entry into another activist network: the foot soldiers of the white student and black power movements that helped define Chicago in the 1960s. As a leader of Students for a Democratic Society then, Ms. Katz organized Vietnam War protests, throwing nails in the street to thwart the police.”
The Chicago Tribute also noted that Katz, “once advocated throwing studded nails in front of police cars, back in the SDS days when the group was alleged to have thrown cellophane bags full of human excrement at cops and cans of urine and golf balls impaled with nails.”"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
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