Walking in Scott Walker’s footsteps - NY Daily News: "POTTFULLOFPITH 01:10 PM
Jun 12, 2012
Something else to think about on the private/public imbalance. Did you ever notice that public employees don't save? They have new(er) cars, boats, second homes, take more vacations, etc. They spend what they earn now because they know the pension arrangements are going to support them later. The absence of saving is one more related thing that arises from and compounds the public/private imbalance: How many readers are worried about paying for college? Public sector parents don't worry as much, BECAUSE they have no savings. No savings means, perversely, that when they fill out those financial aid forms, they LOOK poor, or worse, and they move to the front of the line in terms of scholarship or grant eligibility. Neat, huh?"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
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